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Patients with HER2 low, unresectable, and/or metastatic breast cancer previously treated with 1-2 prior lines of chemotherapy in the metastatic setting and has progressed on, and would no longer benefit from, endocrine therapy.
No estimate possible yet
Clinical trials
Trastuzumab deruxtecan
Oncology and Hematology
Indication extension
Breast cancer
Antibody-drug conjugate
Injection / infusion solution
Intermural (MSZ)
HER2-low population in this trial including tumors with IHC 1+ and IHC 2+/ISH- HER2 expression Patients in study progressed on, and would no longer benefit from endocrine therapy and have been treated with 1 or 2 prior chemotherapy/ adjuvant in the metastatic setting.
Centralised (EMA)
Fabrikant verwacht indiening in de eerste helft van 2022 en registratie in de eerste helft van 2023.
De DESTINY-Breast04 studie loopt op dit moment nog.
1 times every 3 weeks
DB-04 (NCT03734029)
Het is op dit moment nog niet mogelijk in te schatten hoeveel patiƫnten van deze nieuwe populatie er in aanmerking zullen komen.
Op basis van de Amerikaanse verwachte prijs: $13,300 per maand.
There is currently nothing known about the possible total cost.
There is currently nothing known about off label use.
There is currently no futher information available.
Understanding of expected market entry of innovative medicines